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Who Am I?

Born and raised in Cologne, Germany, I am more than happy and proud to call my self a European at heart and citizen of the world.

Very early in my life I was intrigued by brands and the world of advertising and it was clear to me this would be my profession when I would be older.

In reality, becoming a marketer with passion and enthusiasm was my destiny.

Developing a brand from scratch, launching it into a market, seeing it becoming successful or turning out to become a disastrous flop...all these factors have profiled my own character and personality. 

It is now time for me to share this knowledge and experience of 25 years in the corporate world to businesses or start ups.

Organizations who believe in a strategic and visionary hands on approach, which is tailor made to the very individual needs. Enterprises who prefer a very personalized co-operation over an overly expensive consultancy, where they feel they are only one amongst many.

Having lived in six different countries I know exactly what cultural differences and understanding is all about.

My roles in Germany, UK, Central Asia, Southern Balkans, Russia and Ukraine give me all the confidence to consult you in the most trustful, effective and efficient way.

I am based in Capetown, Hamburg and Kyiv, three of the most vibrant and creative hubs in the world, ready to get things going with you!

And with that, my highly experienced international network.


From small consultancy projects to entertaining big events. 

Let´s have a word on your needs to make your business even more successful.



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